9: Can they sit unaided and lean in all directions (sideways/backwards/forwards) without problem? Yes = go 10
10: With their eyes closed can they feel the impaired limb being moved passively by another person? Yes = go 11
11: With eyes closed, can they feel impaired limb being touched? Yes = go 12
12: Can the affected shoulder be moved fully by another person? Yes = go 13
13: Does the shoulder look out of place? No = go 14
14: Is the shoulder painful? No = go 15
15: Can the affected elbow be fully straightened? Yes = go 16
16: Can the affected wrist be moved through full range? Yes = go 17
17: Can the hand/fingers be fully opened? Yes = go 18
18: Can the affected hip be moved fully through range? Yes = go 19
19: Can the knee be moved fully through range? Yes = go 20
20: Can the ankle be moved fully through range? Yes = go 21
21: Can the patient roll to the left and right on a bed? Yes = go 22
22: Can the patient lie on their back and lift their bottom? Yes = go 23
23: Can the patient move from lying to sitting unaided? Yes = go 26
26: Can the patient move from sit to stand unaided? Yes = go 29
29: Can the patient stand and lean in all directions independently? Yes = go 30
30: Can the patient walk unaided? No = go 31
31: Can the patient walk with a stick/zimmer frame unaided? No = go 32
32: Can the patient walk with assistance of one or two people? Yes = Supervised mobility
Supervised mobility treatment